Pet Holidays 2024

Pet Holidays 2024

Everyday is a special day with our beloved pets! Yet sometimes we need a special pet holiday just so we can celebrate them that little bit more. We have compiled the biggest pet celebration dates for you to mark in your calendar in 2024.



January 24th - Change a Pet’s Life Day AU

January 29th - Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary AU



Focus Theme: Responsible Pet Owners Month AU & Dog Training Education Month

February 3rd - Golden Retriever Day

February 20th - Love Your Pet Day AU

February 23rd - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

February 23rd - World Spay Day


Feb Golden Retriever Day




Focus Theme: Poison Prevention Awareness Month and Hazards to your pets. This includes food and other materials around your home.

First Week of March - Professional Pet Sitters Week

March 13th - K9 Veterans Day

March 17th - St Patrick's Day

March 23rd - Puppy Day

March 30th - Take a Walk in the Park Day



Focus Theme: National Pet Month & Pet First Aid Awareness Month

April 1st - 7th - International Pooper Scooper Week

April 4th - World Stray Animals Day

April 10th - Hug Your Dog Day

April 11th - National Pet Day

April 17th to 24th - Dog Bite Prevention Week

April 17th to 24th - Pet ID Week

April 24 World Veterinary Day

April 25th - National Pet Parents Day

April 26th - Kids and Pets Day & the importance of living and playing together safely

April 28th - International Guide Dog Day

April 30tth - Adopt a Shelter Pet Day AU



Focus Theme: Million Paws Walk Month presented by RSPCA & Pet Cancer Awareness Month - Register here

May 1st - Purebred Dog Day

May 2nd to 8th - Dog Anxiety Awareness Week

May 8th -  Dog Mum's Day

May 14th - International Chihuahua Appreciation Day

May 30th - International Hug Your Cat Day





Focus Theme: Adopt a Cat Month

June 6th to 12th - Pet Appreciation Week

June 8th - World Pet Memorial Day

June 21st - Dog Party Day

June 24th - Cat World Domination Day (Because we all know they are secretly plotting something ;)

June 29th - World Day against the abandonment of domestic animals



Focus Theme: Pet Hydration Awareness Month

July 6th - International Kissing Day, just add your pet!

July 26th - Dog Photography Day

July 30th - International Friendship Day. Our pets are some of our best friends after all!



Focus Theme: RSPCA Cupcake Day - All month

August 2nd-8th - International Assistance Dog Week

August 8th - International Cat Day

August 10th - Spoil Your Dog Day

August 17th - International Homeless Animals’ Day

August 23th - International Blind Dog Day

August 26th - National Dog Day & World Dog Day





Focus Theme: Animal Pain Awareness Month & Service Dog Month

September 8th - Dog Walker Appreciation Day

September 12th - Hug Your Hound Day

September 19th to 25th - Deaf Pet Awareness Week

September 25th - World's Largest Pet Walk - Fundraiser



Focus Theme: Pit Bull Awareness Month

First full week of October - Animal Welfare Week

Oct 1st - Fire Pup Day

October 4th - World Animal Day

October 13th - Pet Obesity Awareness Day



Focus Theme: Adopt a Senior Pet Month

November 1st - Cook for Your Pets Day



December 2nd - Mutt Day - Celebrate Mixed Breeds


If we missed any days you feel could be included, please email with your suggestions - and thanks in advance!


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